Constipation is the Mother of Diseases
Constipation is the Mother of Diseases |
Constipation is when the bowels show a slowness in excretion or the bowels start blocking the bowel movements.
Constipation is when the bowels show a slowness in excretion or the bowels start blocking the bowel movements.
Constipation can lead to a decrease in digestion and appetite. Filling and accumulation of gas in the stomach causes a strange feeling of heaviness in the body and creates a state of anxiety. The human body is very delicate and delicate and when dirt accumulates in it, the human heart and mind become restless and restless. Signs of sadness, sadness and boredom are visible on the face. Symptoms of mild abdominal pain, lethargy, a feeling of tiredness in the nerves, lack of sleep and hemorrhoids may also be noticeable.
In addition, diseases of the bladder and kidneys are considered to be a sign of constipation. Invite Constipation is also considered to be a major cause of licorice in women and men in general. Constipation also paves the way for diabetes and hypertension, the most dangerous diseases of our time.
Excessive consumption of vegetables, fruits, fruit juices and fibrous foods can help prevent constipation.Vegetables and fruits are rich in water. In addition, daily consumption of water according to daily physical needs also plays a key role in keeping the body healthy. Frequent consumption of flour products also causes intestinal diseases. Frequent use of allopathic medicines for some other ailments also causes constipation.
The habit of going to the toilet after waking up in the morning also gradually relieves constipation. Similarly, in case of need for braz, not going for defecation also leads to increase in constipation. Sitting in a sitting position for long periods of time, consuming less water, drinking too much tea and smoking and alcoholism can also cause nausea and vomiting. Exercise is an easy and convenient way to get rid of constipation. Vegetables and fruits are naturally high in water.
People with constipation should make vegetable salads an integral part of their diet. In the same way, if possible, instead of one meal, fruits and vegetables should be eaten mixed together or only vegetables should be boiled so that the deficiency of fiber in the body can be eliminated. Cabbage, bitter gourd, ghee, spinach, greens and turnips are the best foods for relieving constipation. Fruits like papaya, banana, guava, melon, apple, tomato, grape, pear and date are also excellent foods. Helps us to get rid of constipation.
Mix one tablespoon of gulakand with lukewarm milk and eat it at night while sleeping. There is no constipation. Mixing a teaspoon of honey in a glass of lukewarm water in the morning and drinking it as a syrup can also get rid of urinary disorders. Adding a tablespoon of almond oil to the milk at night while sleeping also softens the stomach and eliminates intestinal dryness.
Eating half a teaspoon of black cumin in yogurt not only improves bowel function but also relieves chronic constipation. Avoid lentils, flour products, cola drinks, rice, fats, sweets and large meats. Stay away from bakery products, fast food and artificial foods.Avoid eating peanut butter every day. However, occasionally use almond oil and peel in milk. Always use meat mixed with vegetables and also avoid fried foods. Cook the broth pot.
Include spinach, greens, turnips, cabbage, bitter gourd, ghee, taro and carrots in your daily menu. Similarly, bananas, apples, guavas, pears, dates, grapes and tomatoes, etc., once a day must be eaten in moderation. In the same way, use the flour of the mill. Barley porridge for breakfast has many medical benefits. It can also contain almond oil, honey and olive oil. By making exercise an integral part of your routine, you can always stay healthy, energetic and beautiful.