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Masculine Masculine Power

Masculine Masculine Power

Masculine Masculine Power
Masculine Masculine Power

 In terms of masculine strength, restore all the strength of your body. Think of it as if a building had collapsed and you rebuilt that building. *


1. Corrects youth brought back with his own hands.

2. Excessive wrongdoing in case of adultery and weakness.

3. The limb will become so hard and lustful that it will turn red.

4. Immediate increase in timing ejaculation

5. Gentlemen who have been having sex using intoxicants, whose kidneys will be cold, brings them back to their original state.

7 Corrects liver functions.

8 Once they have intercourse, their legs keep aching and their backs keep aching.

# نسخه_ھوالشافی.

Long 100 grams

Cinnamon - 100 grams

Nutmeg 5 towels

Aqrqarha 100 grams. 100 grams .. 15 egg yolks ..

 Salajit 2 towel ..

 Saffron 1 towel =

 Insulated white Indian 100 grams ..

۔ Honey bee custom as needed.

Preparation Grind all well and mix and add honey to make a paste. Use with half a teaspoon of milk after breakfast in the morning and also with half a teaspoon of milk after meals at night.

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