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Prescription of feminine beauty for women Complete treatment of feminine beauty

Prescription of feminine beauty for women Complete treatment of feminine beauty

Prescription of feminine beauty for women Complete treatment of feminine beauty
Prescription of feminine beauty for women Complete treatment of feminine beauty

For women, feminine beauty is actually a reflection of a woman's beauty. In women, when it comes to beauty and elegance, the second highlight after the face is feminine beauty, even if it is said that Ninety percent of the quality of beauty in women is actually feminine beauty, so it would not be unreasonable at all. Decreased libido, digestive disorders, loss of feminine beauty due to sexual and physical impotence, loss of feminine beauty due to fingering and sexual misconduct etc. Lack of feminine beauty not only affects virgins but also married women. And older women also face these problems. Treatment is done in two ways. Externally with oil massage and diet. I write both prescriptions. Two months of use gives satisfactory results and beauty of women. Increases prescription for healing: Asgand 100 gms, Almond kernels 50 gms, Pistachio kernels 50 gms, Musli white 20 gms, Musli c Ah 20 gms, 20 gms of seeds, 20 gms of fennel, 20 gms of stavar, 100 gms of Egyptian jug, 100 gms of lamb's milk. 400 gms. When it is dry, grind it again and put it in a glass jar. Dosage: A teaspoonful of tea in the morning and evening on an empty stomach. In a glass of lukewarm cow's milk, mix it well and drink it. Use it for two months. As well as feminine beauty, it is also the best treatment for physical weakness, muscle weakness, uterine weakness, back pain, and licorice.

 Healing prescription: olive oil 100 gms, Bedanjir oil 100 gms, cottonseed oil 50 gms, sesame oil 50 gms, rattan jute 20 gms, gokharo 20 gms

 Recipe Preparation: Coat the rattan jute and gokharo in thick oil and soak it in oil for 24 hours, then heat it on low heat and burn it. When it cools down, filter it. Massage on the breasts and apply the same oil on the navel at night and sleep

 Diet: Avoid constipated, sour, and fried foods

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